Thursday, April 1, 2010

Don't tell me how to heal...

...especially when you are not close to me in heals and laid dead on the floor the first attempt while I healed the tanks alone for 15% more of the boss' health.  Just don't.

This is Fidelma ranting... I don't do it often, but here I go.  I have- I think - I sum total of four people on my ignore list. FOUR after playing for um... four years!  It takes a lot to piss me off, and well, this raid leader/disc priest managed to do it tonight in VOA.  He went to the ignore list, after I politely left the raid, explaining why - he decided calling me a hoe (meaning ho' but getting by censors) was a good idea, and I added my fourth name to my ignore list.

I'm still a bit hot under the collar about being told when to do Hymn of Hope - I know when thank you very much - but when I bust it out on the second raid warning were he asks - I expect you to shut the heck up about it.  He continued to spam it in raid warning, then decided to talk about how people don't listen.  I'm like wtf.  After we wipe, again - he started to yell at me about it, and basically told me I didn't cast it for the full time.

Now the seriously funny part about this is that I out healed him (including his absorbs) by 13%, less overheals, and the first time I was the second to last to die (tank - me - tank was how our first wipe ended).  So, obviously, I know the boss and I know how to keep me alive and the tanks.  So, stfu.

I was willing to try a third time, but after he accused me of not doing it - I just politely said, you will have to find another healer, because I will not be yelled at when I have done my job and 49% of the raid heals.  Good luck.  I hope they wiped again - well, I hope the nice people finished and he was faceplanted with a high repair bill.

I logged off and got on my Lock - and dinged 74.  It made me feel much better :).