Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stigmas and Stereotypes

My husband - who I love dearly, we are newlyweds after all - thought all "gamers" particularly of the on-line variety get lost in their games - frequently putting game-life before real-life.  That they held mostly low-level jobs, had social issues and performed poorly at work because of gaming... the list goes on.  He knows better now - he's met my friends - but frequently I hear this sentiment, and for the most part I have not found it to be true.

People do get lost in things - I've known quite a few to get lost in drugs or alcohol when things went poorly in their lives.  I've known a few that focused on a game instead.  To be honest, I much prefer people chose the later over the first two choices, because sooner or later they will leave the game behind and move forward - alcohol and drugs aren't always easy to just drop and move on.  I won't say that there hasn't been times in my life when I logged in rather than go out into the 'real-world' just because I couldn't emotionally handle it.  My friends were on-line, I socialized in a way that was safe for me and I felt cared for and loved.  That didn't mean I didn't go out of my house or make it to work - it just meant that I hermited a bit by playing my favorite game - WoW.

I'm a social person, and WoW is one of the ways I socialize - just like I do when I go out and about with my friends.  Yes, I can get lost in the game for a day - but I can just as easily walk away from it for one without getting the shakes.

I know of a lot of people that play WoW and other games - of many ages, races, income and educational levels - yet still there is a stigma from the stereotype of being labeled a "gamer."  I'm still in shock that my husband when we were first dating worried about me when he found out I was a gamer.

Somehow it is ok to play Bejeweled or console games for hours on end in our society and to admit to it - but MMOs not so much.  Maybe this will change, 12 million people can't be completely wrong.

I think next week I will write about being a druid - hmmm - or my thoughts on the upcoming Cata release - or who knows.  I think I need some lightning up.  Life has been too serious lately.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

RL kicks Fi's tail...

This last weekend was a tail-kicker for me.  My dad ended up in the ER and then the ICU on Friday night.  We came close to losing him, but the great nurses and doctors at DeKalb General Hospital were brilliant.  See, my dad is 91 years-old and his ticker doesn't tick as well as it once did.

Several days later - and some uncomfortable sleeping in waiting room chairs - my dad has a pacemaker and looks and talks better than he has in a long, long time!  I'm so excited for him and for us.  I think this will make the world of difference.

How does this relate to my wow life?  I just want to say that many of us who play MMOs often take slack for having on-line friends that we care about and at times put at the same level as or even above our RL friends.  Maybe it isn't true for everyone, but those on-line friends mean so much to me.  When I needed a break from the stress and would log into the game, they were there - cheering me up and supporting me.

I wonder if at some point in the future we won't have this distinction between on-line and RL friends - that we will just have friends - some we are closer to than others, but without the line drawn in the sand about where and how we met and communicate.  Yesterday, I talked to a guildie about something that is going on in his life.  I imagined he needed a mom-figure to tell him things would be ok and that he was doing the right things - or maybe just a friend - but the thing is WoW allowed me to be there for him.  I care about him - he cares about me - who gives a Draenei tail where and how we connected.  I remember staying up several nights playing with an on-line friend/former guildmate when her sugar was through the roof.  The group who was talking and playing with her knew her real life address and to send the ambulance if she stopped responding.  We didn't care less for her because she was someone we met on-line.

My husband and I met in RL first - but it is because of Facebook that we are together - it is where he asked me out.  We also started to communicate about important issues in text and on-line before we did in person - it was easier for him to open up.  I'm happy to say that even though we get it wrong from time-to-time - we always try to communicate openly with each other.  Now, it is usually face-to-face, but txt and on-line chat (when we are apart) work too.

Communication is communication regardless of the form - and friends are friends regardless of where you discovered each other.

This is for Cub, Jes, Eg, Kush, Az... and all the others that have become a part of my world through a game we call WoW. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dinging - it's a weekend thing

I dinged several times this weekend - but two were more important.  In RL, I dinged 42 on Friday.  Yes, 42.  I know, I know... old for a gamer - never mind an MMORPG fanatic, but it's true.  I'm a girl too.  We are on the internet you know!  My husband made sure I had two wonderful days of celebration and he fed my NCIS addiction by getting me two season on DVD!

The other important dingage just happened.  My druid, Zinaria, finally hit 80.  To say it has been a long trip would be an understatement.  She was the second toon I ever created to level - Rionach, my warlock, was the first.  Her 'birth' predates AQ40 and Naxx's existence in the game.  I just never got around to leveling her.  First, I was too busy with Rio, then I was too busy leveling Fi and Eib on a different server.  Zinaria was an Alleria baby - and the last toon I moved from that realm.  Rio was first.

I loved playing my priest so much - then the shaman - that I didn't dream I would also love the druid as much as I do.  I don't care if I have tree limbs or bear paws - I enjoy being a druid.  Out of all the classes I have played - and she is now my fifth, OMG FIFTH!, 80 - I have to say, I think the druid is the most versatile of the bunch.  The Shaman is close -but you can't tank with them, so I'll go for the druid. 

Tonight to ding 80, I had to do a random dungeon without my pocket healer, Ivanohvah aka Gariath.  It was the first time anyone else had healed me, and it was an experience.  Again, I want to say that Ivanohvah has turned out to be a great healer.  The healer I was with this time was a disc priest - and well, I'll take my holy one any day.  Speaking of Fi, if Ivanohvah ever gets leveled up, I can't wait to heal a raid with her.

I don't know if any of the nice people who helped me along the way with my tanking will ever read this - but I want to tell Azyrth thanks for teaching me how to hold and maintain aggro.  After he and I chatted about how to build it, I did so much better!  Stoutporter from Gurubashi realm helped teach my how to LOS pull, and stressed how important it is for a druid.  Another nice patient player. 

I have found most everyone in my pug runs to be nice and for the most part patient.  I have also discovered that tanking makes you grumpy!  Oh my, was I a grumpy bear at times.  Aggro-stealing dps hos!  I swear they won't give a bear a second to get aggro on a multiple-mob pulls!  Hell, I'd settle for one second - just one!  so I could hit several buttons before all hell breaks lose.

I'm tired now, and it's time for bed.  In other news, I beat my husband in Fantasy Football tonight.  Life is good.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back in the Blogging Saddle Again

I seem to be spending less time on Fidelma than I have in the past - well, except for ICC runs (coming up this Sunday).  What I have been spending time on is playing my Druid, Zinaria, and learning how to bear-tank.  It is a challenge that is very different from healing.

I have never enjoyed running after mobs - hence why my rogue is still 61, but it seems to be necessary as a tank more than I would like.  I'm getting better at tab-targetting - and not the mobs further up the road, but it is all new and different for me, but I have to say it is fun.  I need to find some good sites/blogs to read about bear tanking.  Possibly that will be an adventure for this weekend.

For now, I'm going back to recording with Gariath our Leveling Azeroth podcast - then I'm going to drag him out healing.  I never thought I would say that!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Don't tell me how to heal...

...especially when you are not close to me in heals and laid dead on the floor the first attempt while I healed the tanks alone for 15% more of the boss' health.  Just don't.

This is Fidelma ranting... I don't do it often, but here I go.  I have- I think - I sum total of four people on my ignore list. FOUR after playing for um... four years!  It takes a lot to piss me off, and well, this raid leader/disc priest managed to do it tonight in VOA.  He went to the ignore list, after I politely left the raid, explaining why - he decided calling me a hoe (meaning ho' but getting by censors) was a good idea, and I added my fourth name to my ignore list.

I'm still a bit hot under the collar about being told when to do Hymn of Hope - I know when thank you very much - but when I bust it out on the second raid warning were he asks - I expect you to shut the heck up about it.  He continued to spam it in raid warning, then decided to talk about how people don't listen.  I'm like wtf.  After we wipe, again - he started to yell at me about it, and basically told me I didn't cast it for the full time.

Now the seriously funny part about this is that I out healed him (including his absorbs) by 13%, less overheals, and the first time I was the second to last to die (tank - me - tank was how our first wipe ended).  So, obviously, I know the boss and I know how to keep me alive and the tanks.  So, stfu.

I was willing to try a third time, but after he accused me of not doing it - I just politely said, you will have to find another healer, because I will not be yelled at when I have done my job and 49% of the raid heals.  Good luck.  I hope they wiped again - well, I hope the nice people finished and he was faceplanted with a high repair bill.

I logged off and got on my Lock - and dinged 74.  It made me feel much better :).

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

DPS'ing... I didn't know I missed you

I blame it on Gariath...I was a happy healer.  Then he said, "why don't you grab Rio and we'll do a random."  I was a goner in just a few minutes - remembering the fun of not watching green bars and instead trying to figure out my rotation to up my dps.

Since then, I've been playing her every chance I get.  I'm remembering all the things I loved about being a warlock - she was my first toon, and I'm here to tell you that it is like riding a bicycle.  I'm playing her demo this time, and that is totally different than how I've played her in the past.  I've always been destruction, so it is a complete change - and I'm loving it.  I've already got her to 73.5 and I'm going to try for 74 after recording Leveling Azeroth tonight.

It's nice to rediscover the joys of leveling - even doing quests.  I've been working on her rep with the Walrus people so she can make the big herb bag for my herbalist and alchemist - not to mention, Rio is a fisher and wants that sexy fishing rod that they have at exalted.

Fun times... who knew, I would enjoy dps'ing again.  Now, if I can just figure out that tanking thing on my druid....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Reflections on WoW and RL

I didn't get a chance to talk about it much in Leveling Azeroth this week, but RL has been full of WoW blocking fun.  My fiancé is a wonderful man who actually supports me playing WoW, but I'm having trouble finding time to fit it in these days.  Getting married is one of those all encompassing events in your life - and it has taken over mine, even though I am having a fairly simple wedding.  There is always something to do - including rearranging and cleaning my house for my fiancé and I to make it our home.

That said, I am having a great time in WoW when I get the chance to hop on-line.  Tonight, I'm hoping to knock the weekly raid quest out of the park on two toons and maybe get a level on my druid.  On the other hand, I need to finish my pantry reorganization... lol.  Somehow I'll get it all done.

I just had a thought - I'm going to be gone twice this summer on 2-week study abroad programs.  Hmmm... I might need to line up some guest hosts for Gariath...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Leveling Azeroth

Gariath and I just finished recording our 3rd episode of Leveling Azeroth.  We're still working out the kinks -but it is getting better and easier.  I'm still not sure what the right mix of things are for us to talk about and include - but hopefully we'll get feed back or some natural progression will happen.

In game news, I ran with some old guildies last night from Blackwatch on Shadow Council.  We had a blast!  I'm hopeful that we can get them to run some raids with us.  We stepped into Black Temple again last night and downed one more boss.  I've got to do some reading about the next one - lots of dmg to the whole party - hard for one healer to keep up, but we're going back next Monday - and every Monday following - until we get it done!

My cat, Clover, is curled up on me and I'm feeling the need to nap - but need to go tweek the show notes from episode 3 first, then get started on episode four.  It's all about professions - and I'm thinking of picking up a new one...


Monday, March 8, 2010

14 months... the long journey to a new weapon

After FOURTEEN months, Fidelma finally has a new weapon.  KT's mace has been swinging at my side since we downed him for the second time on our 25-man multi-guild run.  I put the lower level spell power enchant on it - because at the time we didn't have enough mats for the upper one.  I thought I would only have it for a while... little did I know that I would have it for this long.  It served me well, but now it is in my bank.

I have a dagger now - and I like it!  The Pit gave it to me and I appreciate it.  I keep hoping for an even better weapon - but I'm happy for the upgrade.  Elune - just don't let it be 14 months again!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Raising a healer - or a third one at that

I have three healers, as if one wasn't enough.  Three.  I didn't mean to have three.  I meant to have one.  Then I got another, and now a third.

My main is a priest, Fidelma.  I love her.  She is by far my favorite healer.  The flexibility of a holy priest is amazing.  When the stuff hits the fan, 9 times out of 10 she can pull it out of the fire.  Group heals, dps heals or tank heals - or all of the above at the same time - a holy priest can get down to it.

Then came my Shaman.  I was burning up Outlands then Northrend with her Elemental ways.  Then there was dual spec and level 80.  I wanted to gear her and let's admit it - it's easier to go into a dungeon as an under geared healer than a sucking dps.  So, off I went pugging my way to gear - and before I knew it her elemental ways were gone and she was spending all her time in resto.

I pugged on Fidelma and I pugged on Nakkita, the Shaman.  I pugged and raided and got them gear (except for the elusive better weapon for Fidelma and the elusive shield for Nakkita), and suddenly there was nothing to go for after the nightly random pug on both of them.  So, I started playing my druid. The xp was good with heirloom gear and the random daily pug dungeon gave me a ton of experience - but I discovered something by the second run - I suck at melee dps.  I hate when mobs run off as I'm trying to pounce on them from behind and it showed in the numbers on the screen.

You can guess what happened next.  I dual spec'ed her - fearl kitty and resto tree.  I got brave a few nights ago and decided to try out my new tree form on some unsuspecting pugs.  I haven't left tree form or dungeons since then.  I'm not a great tree, but I'm getting a feel for my limbs.

Now, what to do with the level 60 Paladin.... LOL - I bet you can guess.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gear upgrades

Tonight something special happened - I got four gear upgrades.  I sometimes go months between upgrades for my holy spec on my priest, so tonight was rather sexy.  A few weeks ago - I got about three upgrades, so Fidelma has seen a complete makeover and increase in gear score.

It's getting late, and I know I've got work and raiding to do tomorrow, but I had to share.  Check out Fi on the armory link to the right - I'm hoping to get her into some trouble to test out her new gear.

I'm off to the land of nod now to dream of a helm...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Fresh Starts

Today, Gariath and I are recording the first episode of our podcast - again.  I'm hopeful that this time we will get it right and get the website up and rolling.  My life is pretty packed right now with things to do, but this is something we've been talking about for over a year - time to get it off the ground.

This is my blog connected somewhat to our podcast, but will contain my ramblings about life as a Priestess in WoW.  I've got other toons, and I want to dust them off and see how they are shaping up.  I haven't touched my hunter in so long I can't remember when I last played her.  I have two healers - and they are always in demand.