Wednesday, March 31, 2010

DPS'ing... I didn't know I missed you

I blame it on Gariath...I was a happy healer.  Then he said, "why don't you grab Rio and we'll do a random."  I was a goner in just a few minutes - remembering the fun of not watching green bars and instead trying to figure out my rotation to up my dps.

Since then, I've been playing her every chance I get.  I'm remembering all the things I loved about being a warlock - she was my first toon, and I'm here to tell you that it is like riding a bicycle.  I'm playing her demo this time, and that is totally different than how I've played her in the past.  I've always been destruction, so it is a complete change - and I'm loving it.  I've already got her to 73.5 and I'm going to try for 74 after recording Leveling Azeroth tonight.

It's nice to rediscover the joys of leveling - even doing quests.  I've been working on her rep with the Walrus people so she can make the big herb bag for my herbalist and alchemist - not to mention, Rio is a fisher and wants that sexy fishing rod that they have at exalted.

Fun times... who knew, I would enjoy dps'ing again.  Now, if I can just figure out that tanking thing on my druid....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Reflections on WoW and RL

I didn't get a chance to talk about it much in Leveling Azeroth this week, but RL has been full of WoW blocking fun.  My fiancé is a wonderful man who actually supports me playing WoW, but I'm having trouble finding time to fit it in these days.  Getting married is one of those all encompassing events in your life - and it has taken over mine, even though I am having a fairly simple wedding.  There is always something to do - including rearranging and cleaning my house for my fiancé and I to make it our home.

That said, I am having a great time in WoW when I get the chance to hop on-line.  Tonight, I'm hoping to knock the weekly raid quest out of the park on two toons and maybe get a level on my druid.  On the other hand, I need to finish my pantry reorganization... lol.  Somehow I'll get it all done.

I just had a thought - I'm going to be gone twice this summer on 2-week study abroad programs.  Hmmm... I might need to line up some guest hosts for Gariath...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Leveling Azeroth

Gariath and I just finished recording our 3rd episode of Leveling Azeroth.  We're still working out the kinks -but it is getting better and easier.  I'm still not sure what the right mix of things are for us to talk about and include - but hopefully we'll get feed back or some natural progression will happen.

In game news, I ran with some old guildies last night from Blackwatch on Shadow Council.  We had a blast!  I'm hopeful that we can get them to run some raids with us.  We stepped into Black Temple again last night and downed one more boss.  I've got to do some reading about the next one - lots of dmg to the whole party - hard for one healer to keep up, but we're going back next Monday - and every Monday following - until we get it done!

My cat, Clover, is curled up on me and I'm feeling the need to nap - but need to go tweek the show notes from episode 3 first, then get started on episode four.  It's all about professions - and I'm thinking of picking up a new one...


Monday, March 8, 2010

14 months... the long journey to a new weapon

After FOURTEEN months, Fidelma finally has a new weapon.  KT's mace has been swinging at my side since we downed him for the second time on our 25-man multi-guild run.  I put the lower level spell power enchant on it - because at the time we didn't have enough mats for the upper one.  I thought I would only have it for a while... little did I know that I would have it for this long.  It served me well, but now it is in my bank.

I have a dagger now - and I like it!  The Pit gave it to me and I appreciate it.  I keep hoping for an even better weapon - but I'm happy for the upgrade.  Elune - just don't let it be 14 months again!