Monday, March 8, 2010

14 months... the long journey to a new weapon

After FOURTEEN months, Fidelma finally has a new weapon.  KT's mace has been swinging at my side since we downed him for the second time on our 25-man multi-guild run.  I put the lower level spell power enchant on it - because at the time we didn't have enough mats for the upper one.  I thought I would only have it for a while... little did I know that I would have it for this long.  It served me well, but now it is in my bank.

I have a dagger now - and I like it!  The Pit gave it to me and I appreciate it.  I keep hoping for an even better weapon - but I'm happy for the upgrade.  Elune - just don't let it be 14 months again!

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